I am Kyle Stowers, and I am honored to announce my Republican Candidacy for the position of Justice of the Peace for Smith County Precinct 3. I am a Christian Conservative and my goal in running for the office of JP3 is to maintain the stability within OUR community as Judge James Meredith retires from the office. I am NOT your typical politician. I am simply a lawman who wants to do what is right by the community.
I am pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment. I believe that the United States Constitution is the most important and best written political document in history. I believe in the rights of the people as declared in the constitution. I have sworn to uphold and defend it as a U.S. Marine and as a Police Officer. See more about me in the "Meet Kyle" and "Qualifications" sections of this webpage. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about me or my qualifications for this office. I seek YOUR vote in the Republican Primary (March 3rd 2026).